Malankara Orthodox Church is an ancient Church of India and it traces its origin to as far back as A. D. 52 when St. Thomas one of the Disciples of Jesus Christ came to India and established Christianity in the South Western parts of the sub-continent.The St. Thomas Christians or the Syrian Christians exist at present in different churches and denominations. But a major section of the parent body of St. Thomas Christians which has maintained its independent nature constitutes the Orthodox Church under the Catholicity of the East with Headquarters at Devalokam,
Kottayam.That the Apostle Thomas one of the twelve is the founder of the St. Thomas Christians has been well established. Christian writers and representatives of the Churches at least from the 4th century refer to the evangelistic labors of the Apostle Thomas in India and the Indian Christians ascribe the origin of their Church to this event in the first century.
The "PUTHUPPALLY PERUNNAL”,Annual feast of the patron saint, St.George is celebrated on 23rd and 24th of Medam Malayalam Era which usually fails on 7th or 8th of may. It is attended by hundred thousands of devotees belonging to various religions, a fine example of communal and religious harmony among people of this area. Celebrations start 10 days prior to the perunnal with "Kodimaram Ideel" (hosting of flags) participated by people belonging to all religions of the locality. People from Puthuppally and Ericadu Karas bring Flag posts (aeronaut palms) in procession accompanied with band melam. Vicars bless the posts and after prayers hoist the flags. During the ensuing days the parish members prepare themselves spiritually for the Perunnal. Conventions attended by the Metropolitans of the Church are held during the period. On the eve of perunnal, the "Virakideel" function is conducted. Firewood is brought to the church in procession attended by male members of all families. This firewood is used to prepare the food for the "Vechoottu" to be held the next day. On the eve, during night a colourful procession (RHASA) filled with devotion and piety is taken out from the church to Puthuppally kavala. People on either side of the road greet the Rhasa with lighted Nilavilkks (lamps) and candles. Devotees from far and near start to pour in during the night and in the morning the church and the surroundings are thronged with devotees. The main function on the perunnal day is the HOLY QURBANA (MASS) lead by HIS HOLINESS CATHOLICOSE the supreme head of Malankara Orthodox Church. It is followed by "VECHOOTTU" - feast wherein all the devotees who attended the function will be seated in rows and served meals. The Perunnal functions come to a close with devotion and piety. The main offering during Perunnal is "KOZHI NERCHA" (offering of fowls).
The Stone Cross For the installation of the huge cross made up of stone, the devotees requested the assistance of an elephant to its owner who was staying in Puthupally, which is 6 kms away. Since the elephant was under rest / treatment, the owner refused the request. The devotees returned in desperation. But to their surprise they saw the stone cross was erected and installed properly and the above said elephant was standing beneath the cross.Traditional lamps were lighted around this cross by the devotees is a peculiarity of the church. The devotees used to move around the cross on their knees after the bath in the pond. Psychic patients as well as the patients having chronic diseases used to pray beneath the cross and they get well, is a common phenomena.
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