It is described as the “Queen of Fruits.” Pineapple is mostly grown at low elevation in areas with a temperature range of 15 - 300 C .Pineapples are tolerant to draught because of the special water storage cells. They can be grown with a wide range of rainfall from 600 – 2500 mm/Annum. It can be grown as a pure crop on plantation scale or as an intercrop in coconut garden. The season for planting is May-June. Planting should be avoided during periods of heavy rains.
(Ananas comosus) is a fruit-bearing plant of the family Bromeliaceae, It has 30 to 40 stiff, succulent leaves closely spaced in a rosette on a thick, fleshy stem. With commercial varieties, a determinate inflorescence forms about 15 to 20 months after planting on a flower stalk 100–150 mm (4–6 inches) in length. The originally separate lavender flowers, together with their bracts, each attached to a central axis core, become fleshy and fuse to form the pineapple fruit, which ripens five to six months after flowering begins. Fruits of commercial varieties range from 1 to 2 kg (2 to 4 pounds) in weight. It is used for food and wine making.
When pineapple is cultivated on modern plantations, an asphalt-impregnated mulch paper is usually first laid on well-tilled soil in rows, with the edges covered to anchor the strips of paper. The pineapple propagating pieces are inserted through the paper into the soil, so spaced as to give a population of 15,000–20,000 plants per acre. The pineapple has become a characteristic ingredient in the meat, vegetable, fish, and rice dishes of what is loosely termed Polynesian cuisine, a blend of various Oriental styles of cooking. The fruit is eaten fresh where available and in canned form worldwide. In the United States and in Europe it is sometimes used as a pastry filling or in baked desserts.
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